Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cele Mai Bune Diete Pentru D-voastră

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Three essential elements to regulate body functions/continuare


Vitamins are organic compounds present in very small quantities in natural foods.

Most vitamins are not synthesized as such by the animal organism, but only by plants, the body receives these substances with plant food, either in their active form of vitamins, either as precursors (provitamins), which are subsequently processed by the body into active vitamin.

absence or insufficient vitamin intake causes the appearance of disease failure or vitamin deficiency.
Often these vitamin deficiencies vitamin deficiency does not give the full picture, but causes fewer disturbances by partial deficiency, hypovitaminosiscalled.

Case hypovitaminosis is not only lack of dietary intake, various other mechanisms can cause these symptoms: destruction of vitamins by improper cooking practices, their destruction in the digestive tract, lack of intestinal absorption, assimilation and use of excessive consumption of vitamins poorly or tissues in various diseases.


Compared with the hormones that have been appointed biocatalysts endogenous (internal), vitamins were called exogenous biocatalysts (external).

In addition to rare cases of hypervitaminosis D and A are not known other cases of hypervitaminosis.
amount of vitamins normally far exceeds the needs of daily ration, the minimum necessary dosage is quite small.

Vitamins are classified into two major groups:


fat-soluble vitamins (soluble)

which includes vitamins A, D, E, K.


water-soluble vitamins (soluble)

which includes vitamin C, B complex vtaminelor

Next we make a brief presentation of vitamins the importance of food :

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is found as such in animal fat.
Im vegetable is as provitamins, carotenoids, synthesized by plants.
Animals and man converts to vitamin A carotenes that almost half of them receive food.
Approximately 95% of the stock of vitamin A is retained in the liver.
healthy adults can store quantities of vitamin A that they can meet the needs for a year.
Children and young people can not make such reservations, so they are more susceptible to the effects of vitamin A deficiency

After its various physiological effects of vitamin A is also known to increase fat-soluble vitamin, anti-infective vitamin, or vitamin antixeroftalmică epithelial defense.
Vitamin A normal view participating in the twilight and increase penetration of the epithelium to infections.
It is necessary for normal development of skeletal, dental enamel formation and for proper functioning of the liver, thyroid and other organs.

Vitamin A is manifested by blurred vision in twilight (hemeralopie) and changes in mucous membranes and skin.

The need for vitamin A is estimated at: 5000 IU (international unnităţi) for adults and adolescents, 2500 iu Children, 6000 u.i. pregnant women u.i. 8000 mother during lactation.

Boiling usual fruit and vegetables does not decrease their carotene content, but by drying them in advance is a loss of vitamin A.

B complex vitamins

B complex comprises a group of water-soluble vitamins, with different chemical structure, performing the role of an active, essential for the metabolic changes that occur in all body cells for normal cellular proliferation and function. The B complex group are: Vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), acid pantothenic, vitamin PP (nicotinamide) paraaminobenzoic acid, folic acid, vitamin B12 (cobalamin), biotin, inositol and choline.

A special importance in the diet were: vitamin B1, B2, PP and B 12.

Vitamin B1 Thiamine is found in the free state or combined with protein in complex fosfoproteice.
in the digestive tract and vitamin B1 complex are dissolved released is absorbed in the small intestine. Deposits of thiamine in the tissues are quite low.
Vitamin B1 has an important role in carbohydrate metabolism, lipid and protein composition of enzymes entering the major. in its absence, intermediates accumulate in the body glucose metabolism (particularly pyruvic acid, substances that would be responsible for nerve disorders a B1 vitamin deficiency.
It also has a role in peripheral nervous impulse transmission .

In humans it was found that increased consumption of carbohydrates require an increased intake of vitamin B1.
Moderate lack of vitamin B1 causes fatigue, irritability, loss weight, lack of appetite.
children observed pallor, irritability, abdominal pain, nerve disorders.
needs vitamin B1 are evaluated one milligram per day for children to climb from 1.4 to 2 mg daily in adolescents and adults.

Important sources of B1 are grain, yeast and meat. Fruits and vegetables without even poorer thiamine intake than by increasing the amount of content they are in daily ration.

Thiamine is destroyed by heat and alkaline environments. Being soluble in water loss for reduced if water is consumed and where they cooked pasta. roast beef
If losses are approximately 25% when the meat is boiled in water losses of 50% when using boiled water that has sunk 25%.
a loss of vitamin B1 of the plant are reduced if they are cooked quickly in a small amount of water without the addition of alkali (bicarbonate).

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is present in the free state in foods, or in combination with phosphates or proteins.

It is absorbed in the small intestine and is present year all body tissues as enzymes.
Riboflavin is important constituent of enzymes involved in cellular oxidation, the intermediary metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, and possesses an important role in the mechanism of vision, along with vitamin A.

B vitamin deficiency 2 or ariboflavinoza produce eye damage (corneal) manifested by fatigue, sensitivity to light, abundant vascularity.
Leziunele most characteristic mucosal meet the language and comisurii mouth (angular stomatitis) .
daily needs are approximately 2-3 mg riboflavin, and for children 1.5 to 2.2 mg.

Riboflavin can be synthesized by animals but is widespread in nature, plants and animals.
Is resistant to acids and oxidizing agents, is not destroyed by heat or boiling, is sensitive to light and alkalis, prolonged washing causes considerable losses .

Vitamin PP (niacin or nicotinamide) is a vitamin A deficiency in the human diet produces pellagra.

Niacin is absorbed in the small intestine, a precursor of vitamin PP tryptophan an essential amino acid.
Provitamin tryptophan can provide vitamin PP body needs if it is included in daily diet.
Vitamin PP is included in important enzymes involved in metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
vitamin PP deficiency is manifested by digestive symptoms, nervous and skin .

Needs are approximately 13-18 mg daily for adults increased to 23 mg during pregnancy and difficult working conditions, and 20 mg in adolescents.

Nicotinamide is very stable to acids, alkanes, oxidation, heat or light.

It is found mostly in foods from animal kingdom, but also in the vegetable kingdom.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is found in foods and tissues in free form or combined with phosphates or proteins.
part in the formation of important enzyme systems, particularly protein metabolism.

Lack vitamin B6 cause nerve symptoms, changes in blood and skin lesions. Children are nervous irritability, convulsions, abdominal pain.

Daily needs are proportional to protein intake for adults is estimated at 2 mg. Source of vitamin B6 is the food of animal origin, particularly meat, cereals and vegetables.
is relatively stable to heat and acid and alkali solutions is destroyed by light.


Vitamin C

(ascorbic acid) is one of the most popular vitamins, is synthesized from glucose or other simple sugars by plants and by most species of animals.
Only a few species, including man can not synthesize this vitamin, and must receive daily feeding.

Scurvy acid is absorbed by the intestine and is distributed to all body tissues, especially to endocrine glands.

One of the main functions of vitamin C is to participate in the formation and maintenance of intercellular substance, collagen fibrous tissue within the structure of cartilage, dentin, bone and inner lining of blood vessels.

Vitamin C affects the action of enzyme systems, involved in intermediary metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, and the position of defending the body against toxic or infectious aggression.

Scurvy acid deficiency in animals can not synthesize it and including humans leads to impaired growth, anemia, infections and increased suscebilitate finally scurvy, a disease which is due to deficiency of vitamin C.

Deficiency of vitamin C decreases the yield physically and intellectually.
normal minimum daily dose required scurvy acid for adults is 50-75 mg.
small children is 35 mg and 40-50 mg for older children.
Overcoming these doses, even over 100 mg body can only be positive.

Plants, especially fruits and vegetables, is the most important source of vitamin C. The quantity contained in the plant
differ depending on the season being higher than in autumn and spring, but also diversela parts of a fruit: peel of fruit or vegetable (apple, orange, red) containing a quantity greater than the core.

Vitamin C is extremely sensitive to various physical and chemical agents, which leads to loss of significant amounts at various culinary treatments.

Cleaning and washing fresh food, keep them light and air, boiling in pots found are the prime causes of destruction of ascorbic acid.
part of vitamin C passes into the boiling water of vegetables is better to be used in food preparation.

Preserving and drying plants also lead to loss of large amounts of vitamin C.
Low temperatures vegetables and preserves rapid sterilization in the absence of air greatly reduces the loss of vitamin C.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a group of compounds with properties of sterol antirahitice.
Vitamins are produced by irradiating a precursor provitamin D or ultraviolet light.
Of the 10 known forms of vitamin D, only two nutritional interest: Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), whose provitamin found in plants and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) whose precursor is found in animal cells.

Vitamin D from food is absorbed in the gut with fat. Humans can synthesize provitamin D 3, and activity occurs in the skin by exposure to light ultavioletă.
Vitamin D 3leather or vitamin D 2 absorbed by the intestine is stored in the liver while it may be present in other organs.

Vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphorus absorption in the intestine, bone and calcification occur controlled by the kidneys in the removal of calcium and phosphorus.

Vitamin D deficiency leads to poorly absorb calcium and phosphorus in the intestine, the lack of calcification of bones and teeth.
Children develop rickets and osteomalacia in adults and rickets called adults.

Range between 400-1000 IU daily needs, which vary by season dose, lifestyle and physiological function of time (growth, pregnancy, etc..)

Vitamin D is found in nature as such in small quantities, unlike provitamins D, which are found in large quantities.
The richest sources are fish liver oils, fish, brewer's yeast.

Vitamin D is stable and not destroyed during cooking of food processing.

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water and minerals

Ongoing exchanges taking place between the body and the external environment and between different cells, tissues and organs are dependent on the liquid medium that is set very specifically in terms of volume, composition and concentration.
Some of the substances in the body fluid environment , eloctroliţii, as dissociated ions when dissolved in water (sodium, potassium, chlorine).
Other substances are maintained in solution in aqueous medium. All together, maintain normal osmotic pressure, regulate acid-base balance in the body, provide input to the cell nutitive substances, facilitate all physiological reactions in the body.


Water is the most appropriate body after oxygen, the body's water content is 70% and 65% for children adult.

Water body is divided into two compartments:

1.-intracellular water that exists inside cells, which represent about 45% of body weight;

2.-extracellular water which is divided into:

a) water intravascular (plasma) which represents 5% of body weight and

b) interstitial water, which represents 15% of body weight. Interstitial water circulating plasma has the same composition except that the protein content is much lower.

Multiple functions in the body are water, water is the basic medium for all body fluids: blood, digestive juices, lymph, urine, sweat, etc.. And take part in all chemical reactions in the body structure is present in each cell.

Water regulates body temperature and solvent products of digestion, keeping them in solution, allowing them, and their absorption into the circulation.

The water in the body comes from three sources:

-Water ingested as such in the form of various beverages (about 1100 ml)

-Water contained in food (about 900 ml) and

-Water resulting from the oxidation of food (about 200 ml).

Water needs are assessed according to the loss year to be replaced, the daily ration varies depending on ambient temperature and d muscle activity.

Mineral salts


Sodium is the main electrolyte of extracellular fluid to maintain normal osmotic pressure and fluid balance.

Sodium is involved in regulating cell membrane permeability and gastrointestinal secretions alcanizarea.

Most sodium in the diet is present as inorganic sodium chloride (salt pans).

Existing amount of sodium in the body is regulated by the kidneys, which increases or decreases sodium excretion depending on the amount ingested, produce very large losses through sweating.

Is 3-5 g daily needs, but the power consumption far exceeds those needs.

Potassium is the major intracellular electrolyte as 97% of the body is present in cells, which are 30 times richer in potassium than the extracellular fluid.

As a mandatory component of all cells, potassium participates in cellular hydration, is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and in maintaining cardiac automatism.

Potassium in food is absorbed from the gastrointestinal stage fright, excess is excreted through the kidneys. Requirement is estimated at 3-4 g per day, the main sources are dried fruits and vegetables.

Chlorine is present as chloride ions, for the most part in extracellular fluids. He intervenes in the regulation of osmotic pressure, fluid balance and acid-base balance.

Chloride ion and other ions that is filtered in the kidney and reabsorbed glomerurilor selective renal tubules, excess chlorine is removed, usually parallel with sodium excretion. Requirements is ensured by the use of salt.


Approximately 4% of body weight is given to the mineral elements, defined as substances that remain as ash after combustion plants or animals.
The most popular are: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, iron, iodine, etc. .. < br>
Calcium and phosphorus covers three quarters of the minerals in the body. Although some mineral elements are found only as traces or trace , their presence is essential for body functions.

Minerals are part of every cell in the body structure, presenting themselves as organic compounds, inorganic or as free ions, they enter into the composition of enzymes, vitamins and hormones

Calcium is an essential mineral the body. Capital calcium in adults is 1200 g, of which 96% is the combined form of calcium salts which are within the structure of bones and teeth, the remaining 4% is partly bound to plasma proteins (40%) and 60% is ionized, diffusible, being a very labile pool of calcium.

Serum calcium is essential for blood clotting, regulates the permeability of cell membranes and neuromuscular excitability, activates a large number of enzymes.

Calcium absorption is based on the needs of the body, the percentages ranging from 10 to 40%.
Children growing period, pregnant and lactating women absorb 40% or more of calcium brought food, due to increased needs. < br>
Several dietary factors increase or decrease the absorption of calcium, vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and transport through the intestinal mucosa.

Equal ratio between calcium and phosphorus is considered the most favorable for the absorption of calcium, protein-rich diets also increase calcium absorption.

Oxalic acid, phytic acid from cereals, excess fat and reduce the absorption of excess calcium phosphate, due to the formation of insoluble complexes with it.

Report normal calcium / phosphorus in the body is maintained by the action of parathyroid hormone.
Emotions have an important influence on the economy of calcium in the body, persons with significant nerve stress or conflict situations to found a lasting negative calcium balance, even when food intake was appropriate.

Daily calcium needs are 0.8 g adulţi.Pentru needs children are one year 0.7 g, 1 g in 10 years, 10-12 years 1.2 g and 1.4 g between 12 and 18 years.

Phosphorus is an essential mineral vital body functions and ratios under most importantly, it constitutes 1% of body weight and a quarter of all mineral substances in the body.

About 85% of inorganic phosphorus is in combination with calcium (bones, teeth), and the remainder in organic combinations.

Phosphorus is an element of plastic entering the building bones, teeth, fat (cephalin, lecithin) or protein (nucleotide and phosphoprotein), inorganic phosphates in plasma plays an important role in acid-base balance.

Approximately 70% of phosphorus is absorbed only in the rural food intestinal alkaline inorganic salts.
general factors affecting calcium absorption and regulates the absorption of phosphorus. All plastic
inorganic phosphorus is filtered by renal glomeruli, but most is reabsorbed.
Vitamin D increases the amount of phosphate reabsorbed by the renal tube while parathyroid hormone decreases the reabsorption.
phosphorus daily needs are approximately equal to those of calcium, phosphorus is widely distributed in foods, meat and dairy are the most important.

Magnesium in the body is stored in bones is about 60% in the form of phosphates and carbonates, the rest are inside the cell where the relationship between calcium / magnesium is 3-1.
Only 2 % of total magnesium is in extracellular fluids, 80% of which is ionized and the remainder is bound to proteins.
Magnesium is essential for living cell, its failure, experimental results in animal death

Ionized form activates several enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism and cellular respiration, has a synergistic action with calcium in neuromuscular balance.

Resemble the intestinal absorption of calcium and is reduced by excess calcium or phosphate in the diet, and by an alkaline treatment.
magnesium is filtered at the renal glomeruli and is reabsorbed by the renal tubules
350 mg daily needs are for men and 300 mg for women during pregnancy and lactation increase to 450 mg daily. With the exception of sugar and fat all foods containing magnesium.

Iron . Adult body contains approximately 3.5 g iron 2.3 g in males and females, 20-30% of total iron is stored as a reserve in the liver, spleen and bone marrow.

Most of the active iron (80%) are in red blood cell hemoglobin and myoglobin in muscle rest and some cellular enzymes.

Hemoglobin acts as a carrier of oxygen from the lungs to tissues and carbon dioxide circulating here to be removed from the lungs.

Iron metabolism is a critical step to intestinal absorption, which is regulated according to body needs. During the period of growth, pregnancy, anemia, it will absorb in the gut a larger amount of iron than normal.

Iron in food is absorbed by the body healthy adult rate of 5-10%, except in menstrual bleeding in women practically no iron excretion.



For a very good appreciation for how they managed to translate into practice the rigors of a plastic calories and enjoy the scientific work of The Diet Solution Program by Isabel De Los Rios one of the top experts in the nutrition of America, The Truth About Abs by Mike Geary , Rob Poulos Fat Burning Furnace, Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne, Your Six Pack Quest by Vince Delmonte, Fit Yummy Mummy by Holly Rigsby, or 7 Minute Muscle by Jon Benson. Or which of them are essential in forming and maintaining a healthy body and harmonious cababil to cope with all requirements. Therefore it is important that each of us in the library to find at least one on which to consult whenever a notice that our bodies do not meet our demands.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Life. Metabolism and Nutrition

Regular exchange of substances between body and environment and energy metabolism and is called the fundamental function of life, death causes the cessation of body metabolism.
For the release of energy that is gained in the foodstuffs, chemical reactions occur in the body (enzyme), resulting in substances to be eliminated in the external environment. Energy in the body is lost, but turns back into the environment and other forms.

  • Carbohydrates are found extensively in foods of plant origin (wheat, corn, rice, fruits, vegetables, sugar, honey), and the small quantity of animal origin (milk) . In food, there are different chemical structure: some have small molecule, monosaccharides (glucose, galactose), others have double molecules, disaccharides (maltose, lactose), and finally others, the largest molecule, polysaccharides (starch, glycogen , cellulose).
    Carbohydrates can not be absorbed into the body only after digestion, which turns them into monosaccharides, only able to cross the intestinal barrier, to pass into the blood and reach the liver.
    Here are some changes in glycogen synthesized as reserve substance, and another part goes into the general circulation for use of tissues and organs.
    Carbohydrates contained in the cytoplasm and are issued approximately 60% of the total energy consumed by the body (4.1 g of glucose released calories).
    Energy release is made by oxidation of carbohydrates in the cytoplasm and their conversion to water and carbon dioxide. The need for reserves of liver glycogen can be converted into glucose (monosaccharide) and passed in the blood for consumption. Blood glucose level is kept constant from 1 to 1.5 grams per liter. When carbohydrates are in excess, they can become lodged in the fat and the body itself.

  • Lipid (fat) are found extensively in food of animal origin (butter, bacon, pork) and some fruits (nuts, olives).
    They can not be absorbed into the body than the form of components, ie as glycerol and fatty acids. In the digestive tract, lipids are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids, which pass into lymphatic and blood circulation resynthesized as fat is specific to humans. In cell cytoplasm am until oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, freeing up large amounts of energy: 9.8 release 1 gram of fat calories. Another part of the fat is stored as reserve material under the skin or fat cells around the organs (kidney, intestine, etc..), Where I am deployed and used when needed.

  • parotids or proteins are found in foods of animal origin (meat, eggs, milk) and vegetable (beans, soy, lentils, peas, etc..). The animal is more easily assimilated in the body than those of plant origin. Proteins are essential substances for the proper functioning of the body but may be absent from the diet. In addition to their role in energy in particular have a role Plastic (trainer), contributing to the body's growth and tissue repair and wear body destroyed by the operation.
    They also are part of hormones, enzymes, enzymes and antibodies, which have functions and role in defending the body.
    Large protein molecules am undone by the action of enzymes in different segments of the digestive tract, the amino, the only form able to pass through the intestinal mucosa and pass blood cells where it carries on I am used to synthesize parotids own body, by the method of labeled atoms it was found that while all cellular proteins am renewed, another part of the amino acids are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, freeing up energy (a 4.1 calories per gram of protein released ) or ditch used for the synthesis of carbohydrates and lipids.
    Amino acids are not submitted as backup normally, however, the body's protein reserves in the form of cellular proteins were estimated at 2 kg of protein that the body can dispense without serious changes of its functions.

  • Water account for 65% of adult body weight, being distributed in plasma, interstitial fluid, lymph and cytoplasm of the cell.
    As a young body contains more water, along with age, the body dehydrates.
    Adult man needs about 2 to 2.5 liters of water in 24 hours.
    Without water a person dies of dehydration within a few days, when no food can live 35-40 days.
    Water comes from two sources:

    1. - from liquids and food intake;

    2. - the oxidation of organic substances in the dezasimilaţie.

    In the body, water makes up a fundamental part of the internal environment (blood plasma, tissue fluid and lymph)

    1. -solvent acts as the substances are absorbed by blood and lymph, carrying dissolved substances in her cell, from which the products resulting from dezasimilaţie that takes the organs of excretion (kidney and skin)

    2. -enables all chemical reactions and oxidation in the body and acted as a catalyst, and is involved in maintaining a constant body temperature due to evaporation through the skin.

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    Remove water from the body is via the kidneys (urine, about 1500ml in 24 hours), and another 1000 ml through the skin (tanspiraţie), expired air through the lungs and large intestine (feces).

  • Mineral salts accompanying water being present in all body fluids and cells.
    They make up about 5% of body weight, is eliminated daily through urine, feces and I am sweating and replaced with food, as are found in all foods in varying proportions.
    Mineral salts enter the body in the form of chlorides, phosphates, sulphates of sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. ..
  • Vitamins are organic substances absolutely necessary to conduct normal life processes in the body, they must be introduced with the food because the body synthesizes not only vitamins D, K and B12.
    Vitamins are found only in fresh foods and a lack of preserved, have an important role in food assimilation processes, increase body and serve as material for the synthesis of enzymes.
    Catalysts are substances, having no role in nutrient and / or energy.
    We know many vitamins A, B1, B2, B6
    B12, C, D1, D2, E, F, H, K, P, PP.
    Each vitamin has specific action, without it causing some unrest.

Power needs are lower for older people because they are metabolic processes and lower.
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Food rations should cover energy substances , and plastic substances and catalytic needed by the body.
Carbohydrates Food should be in an amount of 300-400 grams per day, rising to the natural striving to 500-600 grams.
Lipid requirements is 2-3 grams per kg body weight in 24 hours, increasing to 4-5 grams in the case of intense physical activity or those in regions with cold climates.
Protides needs are higher in children (3.5 grams per kg body weight in 24 hours) than in adults (2 grams per kg body weight in 24 hours) as the first plastic processes (forming) the body is intense.
mineral salts and vitamins are found in food.
To ensure the necessary vitamins is advisable to use fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Nothing is new under the sun

Nothing is new under the sun

Nearly every major discovery in which man boasts that he "invented" there nature.

If one instead to focus itself would have leaned more deeply on application of knowledge naturally occurring physical or mechanical laws generally many human discoveries could have been used earlier.

The way that man has made the fundamental laws of mechanics universal,But given proof of great power of penetration and even creation, says the Ion Simionescu"The Natural."
Many of those created by humans are not original, in one form or another is found in nature.

Living beings are energy transformers, converting biochemical energy into work mechanically. All physical and mental activity of man, functions as organiamului
aimed at maintaining life, somatic and intellectual development are consuming energy.

From this perspective human beings are fundamentally similar to the internal combustion engines, which also converts chemical energy into mechanical work in gasoline (Lintarezeck).

Animals and man using the stored energy in the foods they consume.

Plants synthesize sugars (carbohydrates) and even fats (lipids) of simple elements, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) in the atmosphere and soil water, which was later synthesized by animals.
Carbon dioxide and water are united under the influence of sunlight, due to a biochemical catalyst present in plant leaves called chlorophyll.

The combination of water and carbon dioxide in the presence of chlorophyll and under bombardment by photons of sunlight, formaldehyde is born.
Subsequently, all under the influence of sunlight, formaldehyde polymerize into glucose.

Glucose molecule formed in the plant include solar energy absorbed within it during its synthesis.
(As potential energy stored in plants or in animals is calorie unit. Calorie is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water one centigrade distilled water).

This chemical process is endothermic, because it absorbs energy and is also anaerobic, because it consumes oxygen.
It follows that due to chemical reaction from the leaves of plants is clear for the much needed oxygen environment and living beings and glucose produce a much needed human and animal.

A gram molecule of glucose (180 g) absorbed 674 calories on average 4 calories for a gram of glucose. The decomposition of glucose in human or animal body shall be at liberty the four calories per gram, according to the principle of energy conservation.

Please note that most of the energy released as heat is lost without possibility of recovery and only a certain quota is actually used by the body for mechanical work, so it is converted by the body, like any engine, reversible energy into useful life functions.

We are interested not so much the quantity of heat released by the decomposition of glucose, but the work can be done by unleashing the energy, so it is more correct to use in measuring this, the unit is joules of mechanical work. It defines the thermochemical energy into mechanical energy equivalent (1 cal = 4.184 joules).

In order of their importance for maintenance of life elements are:
oxygen, water, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals.

Oxygen is the most against Internet because the body can not do it only a few minutes, the water can not miss only a few days propiu actual food (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins) a few weeks and minerals and vitamins for several months .

Role and importance of each of these elements in defining us as individuals is presented in a series of articles on our blog TopHealthResources.
Where the problem building and maintaining a healthy body and harmony, balanced nutrition, the prevention and restoration of damaged balances, and many others are an object of study.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Are These 3 Vitamins Actually HARMFUL to Your Health?

Are These 3 Vitamins Actually HARMFUL to Your Health?

by Mike Geary, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist

Author -Click Here!The Truth About 6-Pack Abs

synthetic vs natural vitaminsMost people have never heard of the distinction between synthetic vs natural forms of vitamins.

The first thing you need to know is that some synthetic forms of vitamins are MUCH less absorbed by your body compared to natural versions.


Did you know that several scientific studies have revealed that synthetic forms of certain vitamins can possibly have harmful effects in your body?

It's true... and a little scary too!

And if you choose an ordinary multi-vitamin that you get at a corner store, it most likely contains at least some synthetic forms of vitamins (unless it specifically states that it is whole-foods based).

It's also well known that your body will assimilate vitamins derived from whole-foods sources MUCH more readily compared to vitamins from synthetic sources. We could talk about the differences in vitamins from whole foods sources vs synthetic sources for over a dozen different vitamins...

However, there are THREE vitamins that you need to be most concerned about with natural vs synthetic:

Here are the 3 most important vitamins that you NEED to make sure you obtain from natural sources and NOT synthetic:

Vitamin A

Vitamin D

Vitamin E

Let's look at Vitamin A first...

Most multi vitamins contain Vitamin A in the form of vitamin A palmitate... this is a synthetic version that from my research has it's potential negatives. It's also added to low fat or skim milks to replace the natural Vitamin A lost when they remove the milkfat. Also many processed foods such as cereals are "fortified" with synthetic vitamin A palmitate.

Synthetic vitamin A palmitate is toxic at large doses, and you need to be careful not to over ingest. I personally stay away from anything containing synthetic Vitamin A as much as possible.

If you eat a lot of cereal combined with low-fat or fat-free milk (and other "fortified" foods, or synthetic vitamin pills), you can see how you can possibly be overdosing on this potentially harmful synthetic vitamin A. As you know from a lot of my articles, despite being marketed as "health" foods, there's not really much healthy about cereals at all!

True natural Vitamin A (retinol) actually only comes from animal sources such as cod liver oil, animal liver, some other organ meats, and in lesser amounts in butter, eggs, and milkfat. However, at very large doses of cod liver oil or if you somehow overate large quantities of liver, it still is possible to overdose on natural Vitamin A from these types of sources (although this natural form is safer than the synthetic vitamin A palmitate).

Another form you'll see for Vitamin A is beta-carotene. However, beta-carotene is actually NOT vitamin A... it's actually a pre-cursor to Vitamin A, and your body needs to convert it to vitamin A.

Therefore, beta-carotene is one of the safest forms of Vitamin A, since your body will only convert the amount that it actually needs. You get healthy quantities of beta-carotene in carrots, sweet potatoes, spirulina, dark leafy greens, butternut squash, red peppers, and other colorful fruits and veggies.


Vitamin D is another fat-soluble vitamin, just like Vitamins A, E, and K. Vitamin D is one of the most important substances in our body, and also one of the most misunderstood.

The discussion about Vitamin D could get really long and complicated and fill an entire book, so I want to simplify it for you below:

1. The BEST, BEST, BEST source of vitamin D, without a doubt, is that which your body produces naturally from adequate sun exposure.

Vitamin D is actually produced into a hormone in our bodies and regulates hundreds of processes in the body... it is simply one of THE most important substances in our bodies.

It is even extremely important for our immune systems... Why do you think there are more sicknesses in the winter? No it doesn't have to do with cold temperatures... it has more to do with Vitamin D deficiency which causes a weakened immune system since we don't get strong enough sun exposure in the winter!

I have an entire article here about the importance of moderate sun exposure WITHOUT burning and how this protects your health.

It is hard to obtain enough Vitamin D from dietary sources alone (egg yolks, organ meats, some mushrooms, and fatty fish are good sources, but still relatively small). The best utilized source of Vitamin D for our bodies is what we produce from moderate regular sun exposure without burning.

Cod liver oil is one of the best known dietary sources of natural Vitamin D, but it is best to only use small amounts of this and only in the deepest months of winter, as it's possible for you to overdose on Vitamin A from cod liver oil if you take too much.

2. If you get a blood test for Vitamin D, you generally want to be between the range of 50 ng/ml to 80ng/ml from what I've read. Your risk of going lower than this and having a vitamin D deficiency typically occurs in the deepest months of the winter, unless you've gotten away on a tropical vacation closer to the equator, which could help raise your levels for several weeks afterwards.

3. Just so you know, there are some controversies surrounding benefits and detriments of vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) vs. vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Generally, vitamin D3 is what you want to look for, as that is also what is naturally produced in your body from the sun, and is the natural source we obtain from animal based foods.

From everything I've read and researched, I would personally try to stay away from vitamin pills or fortified foods that contain vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). This form has been linked to possible negative effects.

Instead, try to get moderate amounts of sunshine, if you can for most of the year, and focus on the healthy dietary sources of natural vitamin D that I listed above... and also look for supplements in the winter to be based on fish oil sources of vitamin D if you can.


I know we got into a lot of details on Vitamin A and Vitamin D, so I'll make the discussion about synthetic vs natural vitamin E much quicker, and just give you the important facts:

1. With Vitamin E, the best utilized sources of vitamin E are from whole foods such as nuts and seeds, with smaller amounts in some greens. Vitamin E from natural foods comes in the form of many different tocopherols and tocotrienols.

2. If you take a multi-vitamin, you absolutely MUST check to make sure that you're taking the natural version of vitamin E and not the synthetic. In supplements, the natural version typically starts with "d-alpha" and the synthetic versions start with "dl-alpha".

The bioavailability of synthetic vitamin E is much lower than natural vitamin E. In addition, I’ve seen many articles and studies that indicated that there could be potential health dangers with taking synthetic vitamin E over time. Once again, we get back to the fact that natural is always better than something that has been chemically modified. Bottom line... Nature always wins in the natural vs synthetic debate.

How can you protect your health and that of your family?

1. First and foremost, make sure to try to obtain most of your nutrition from a great diversity of nutrient-rich, organic, whole foods.

However, as I'm sure you'll agree, we're not perfect, and with our overly processed food supply, as well as chemically abused farm soils, our foods typically contain less vitamins and minerals than they did just several decades ago. That's where a good whole-foods based multi-vitamin supplement can come in handy.

2. If you take a multi-vitamin, you MUST look for a whole-foods based vitamin and you specifically want to look for natural versions of Vitamin A, D, and E like we discussed in this article, as this assures that your body assimilates the vitamins most efficiently, and it also assures that you are not exposed to any of the potential harmful effects of synthetic vitamins.

One of the best (and one of the ONLY) whole-foods based formulas I've been able to find is something called VGF-25+, which is made from over 25 different vegetables, greens, and fruits (hence the VGF name).

Most importantly, with VGF-25+, the Vitamins A, D, and E are all from natural sources and NOT synthetic!

As I've mentioned to you before, I'm good friends with the owners of Prograde Nutrition, and I've just recently arranged with them for you to try out their new VGF-25+ Whole-Foods based multi-vitamin for FREE (all you have to pay is a small shipping fee). This of course only applies before they run out of stock.

Click here to see if you qualify to try out a FREE bottle of this whole-foods based VGF-25+ Multi-Vitamin

Please note: This is NOT my supplement company... However, I am good friends with the owners of this company and I have partnered with them in trying to help them out by spreading the word about their products (which I think are some of the best quality out there). I've become good friends with them over the years and I trust them! I can tell you that they will take good care of you... Enjoy!

If you liked this article, and thought it was helpful, please do your friends and family a favor and share it with them... copy the link to this page and share it on Facebook, on your blogs, forums, Twitter, etc.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Pagina de pornire


Nothing is new under the sun

Nearly every major discovery in which man boasts that he "invented" there nature.

If one instead to focus itself would have leaned more deeply on application of knowledge naturally occurring physical or mechanical laws generally many human discoveries could have been used earlier.

The way that man has made the fundamental laws of mechanics universal,But given proof of great power of penetration and even creation, says the Ion Simionescu"The Natural."
Many of those created by humans are not original, in one form or another is found in nature.

Living beings are energy transformers, converting biochemical energy into work mechanically. All physical and mental activity of man, functions as organiamului
aimed at maintaining life, somatic and intellectual development are consuming energy.

From this perspective human beings are fundamentally similar to the internal combustion engines, which also converts chemical energy into mechanical work in gasoline (Lintarezeck).

Animals and man using the stored energy in the foods they consume.

Plants synthesize sugars (carbohydrates) and even fats (lipids) of simple elements, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) in the atmosphere and soil water, which was later synthesized by animals.
Carbon dioxide and water are united under the influence of sunlight, due to a biochemical catalyst present in plant leaves called chlorophyll.

The combination of water and carbon dioxide in the presence of chlorophyll and under bombardment by photons of sunlight, formaldehyde is born.
Subsequently, all under the influence of sunlight, formaldehyde polymerize into glucose.

Glucose molecule formed in the plant include solar energy absorbed within it during its synthesis.
(As potential energy stored in plants or in animals is calorie unit. Calorie is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water one centigrade distilled water).

This chemical process is endothermic, because it absorbs energy and is also anaerobic, because it consumes oxygen.

It follows that due to chemical reaction from the leaves of plants is clear for the much needed oxygen environment and living beings and glucose produce a much needed human and animal.

A gram molecule of glucose (180 g) absorbed 674 calories on average 4 calories for a gram of glucose. The decomposition of glucose in human or animal body shall be at liberty the four calories per gram, according to the principle of energy conservation.

Please note that most of the energy released as heat is lost without possibility of recovery and only a certain quota is actually used by the body for mechanical work, so it is converted by the body, like any engine, reversible energy into useful life functions.

We are interested not so much the quantity of heat released by the decomposition of glucose, but the work can be done by unleashing the energy, so it is more correct to use in measuring this, the unit is joules of mechanical work. It defines the thermochemical energy into mechanical energy equivalent (1 cal = 4.184 joules).

In order of their importance for maintenance of life elements are:
oxygen, water, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals.

Oxygen is the most against Internet because the body can not do it only a few minutes, the water can not miss only a few days propiu actual food (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins) a few weeks and minerals and vitamins for several months .

Role and importance of each of these elements in defining us as individuals is presented in a series of articles on our blog TopHealthResources.
Where the problem building and maintaining a healthy body and harmony, balanced nutrition, the prevention and restoration of damaged balances, and many others are an object of study.

Fitness product assessments

Fitness product assessments

Based on the concept that presupposes the existence of life of the food, feed quantity and composition decisively influence the quality of life.

It follows that health is the determining factor of life lengths being dialectically related to the relationship between quantity and quality of food intake and energy used in activities that place.

Disrupting this report can have more or less serious about life and our health, depending on the size of the imbalance.

Vices that lead to
addiction in most cases,

pornography addiction
, excessive consumption of food often unhealthy
(high fat, sugar and many other hard assimilable organic compounds or even harmful) to fund reductions in locomotor activity or even a sedentary lifestyle contributes loss of full health, vigor, premature aging or even a drastic shortening of life.

That is why we proposed that the pages of this blog to make a general analysis of these
factors from the presentation of opinions and solutions offered by most active specialists and practitioners in fitness products, exercise, alternative medicine, medicine holastică, natural products Dita, sports, movement in general and less on dealing aleopate solutions in general medicine and less because of the effect.

Putting is also an emphasis on stimulating natural health care products recommended by holistic medicine, Performance Review human peak, Shaolin Qigong cultivation metaphysical and spiritual topics, Zen meditation, Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christian meditation practice, yoga techniques, kundalini awakening japa and mantra practice....

Our goal is to constietiza reader that the most important thing is to know the causes to be prepared to avoid or reduce them as much as possible without denying the role aleopate medicine.

Fitness Programs

Welcome to my personal assessment of the best fitness programs available online.

About Isabel De Los Rios

Isabel De Los Rios graduated from Rutgers University with a degree in exercise physiology (a pre-med curriculum).

She is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, the highest and most advanced
certification given by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. She is also a
Holistic Nutrition Lifestyle Coach, certified by the Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology (C.H.E.K.) Institute in San Diego, California.

Isabel De Los Rios is a certified nutritionist and exercise specialist who has already
helped over 25,000 people all over the world lose incredible amounts of weight, regain
their health and permanently change their lives. She is the author of
The Diet Solution Program,
What to Eat While Pregnant
and the Owner of New Body – Center for Fitness and Nutrition in New Jersey.

As a result of extensive research on products that dominate the market by the Health & Fitness undertaken over several years I have come to concuzia that a small number of
specialists in Exercise, Nutrition, building muscle, losing body fat, Reducing stress,
and living the healthier the market leader that is leading, leading detached Isabel De Los Rios of
The Diet Solution Program work followed the work away from Mike Geary
The Truth About Abs, the book Rob Poulos
Fat Burning Furnace,

Turbulence Training
Craig Ballantyne with the
book, Holly Rigsby
Fit Yummy Mummy card and Jon Benson
7 Minute Muscle,Villa Mercedes Book
Celulitis Nunca Más. The Natural Cure , href work is appreciated and Easy Method
cures Hemorrhoids Safely in 48 Hours Holly Hayden.

I'm not going to tell you that one of them is better than another, because I want to
do that are those who consult these pages useful and give them the opportunity you have chosen.

Read my thoughts and choose one that fits best with what you seek.

Do not worry, we made ​​a detailed analysis in order to get "the real deal".

Besides giving you my personal criticism, I know that no fitness program is complete without a solid diet plan to go along with it.

The Diet Solution Program Review

By Ghebaura Petrica


Related keywords: The Diet Solution Program review, weight loss, nutrition, fat loss,
healthy eating

The program promises a complete and comprehensive weight loss
will not only help you lose fat, but guarantees a high level of energy, health and vitality at the same time.

There are so many weight loss programs on the market, but few are truly effective

What makes this program different from others?

Let's take a look at the expert who developed the program.

Isabel De Los Rios is a specialist in nutrition and exercise, with 10 years
experience helping clients reach their ideal weight and tackle conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and high cholesterol.

Isabel has a very extensive educational training in nutrition and exercise physiology.

His personal experience with her ​​own weight battle with her ​​mother's diabetes led her to search for solutions to the most valuable nutrition information available today. Diet Solution Program is the result of 15 years of study and research.

Also, Isabel unlike other so-called "health experts"
following only the main stream of nutrition programs. Isabel provides her readers really something else: most people have actually taken the time to research, read and decipher.

Isabel was a specialist in nutrition and a practitioner in the last 10 years and has personally worked with hundreds of clients in her private institution, overseeing successful weight loss programs. These tests of experience with real people solidified the facts and principles she had learned from books, magazines and from other health professionals.

Proof of values ​​was really demonstrated in the results obtained with real people.
In fact, Isabel's articles are pretty radical when it comes to its principles of nutrition, which is why her approach works when the diet fails phase flow. So if you're looking old nutrition theories taught in every book and other programs on the market today, this is not the program you're looking for.

CLICK HERE-Videos-DoesFatMakeYouFat

Now, one of the most important questions about the program is simply "What is the diet solution program?"

Well, I confirm that view Isabel's manual feeding is the most comprehensive and detailed available on the market today.
Not only that teaches you exactly what they are principles that must follow to finally reach your ideal weight, meal plans offers, recipes and shopping lists in order to do so. It does not push an extreme way, unreasonable to lose weight.
This book actually teaches you how to make this healthy way of eating into a lifestyle.
And if you ever tried to lose weight in the past know that the only way to maintain, is to make your lifestyle.
The best part of Isabel's program is that this new way of life is a tantalizing dishes regime. She really shows you that you can eat delicious food, combined correctly to fit the lose weight or to keep your.

One of the best side effects of the entire program is to improve general health and vitality of each participant experiences. Decreases blood sugar levels, reduced cholesterol, increased energy, elimination of digestive discomfort and improve skin appearance are just some of the benefits people have experienced some other program.

The program is able to help you reach and maintain your ideal weight, keeping your body healthy, without resorting to extreme methods, difficult.

Of course, it is necessary and an effort by the participant.

Diet Solution Program explains step by step action steps to achieve the goal.

Provides detailed daily plans for each meal should be enjoyable.

Shopping lists to buy healthy food quickly and easily.

Delicious recipes to make tasty dishes every day.

The manual is comprehensive, containing new and valuable information.

But before I can start to study the program, using the Quick Start Guide Isabel's program not.

Many people have managed to lose 10-15kg in 6 weeks using only the Quick Start Guide.

Diet Solution Program is perfect for people who have struggled with weight their entire lives and are disappointed and tired of programs that simply do not work long term. The DSP is also perfect for people who want to take control of their health and reverse health conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.

If you are the least curious, you should look closely at Isabel's program. I was very impressed with all meal plans diet solution program, bonuses, guarantee, and Isabel's expertise.